Look Good. Body Treatments

Excessive Sweat Management

For sufferers of excessive sweating, the condition can be embarrassing and a burden on your daily life. Thankfully we have a very successful treatment here at Dripclub.
Excessive sweating can be reduced for up to 12 months by blocking the signals from the nerves to the sweat glands.



Boost confidence

Feel the freedom to wear what you want, without fear of unsightly sweat patches. Say goodbye to the worry, as up to 80% of the excessive sweating can be reduced.

Long lasting treatment

Our treatments will reduce excessive sweating for up to 12 months from a single session. There’s no need to have regular, recurring treatments.

No downtime required

After the treatment, and you can get back to your day without having to take time off. Each session lasts minutes, not hours, so it works with your busy schedule and keeps you looking your best by reducing the excessive sweat patches.

How it works

Excessive sweating treatments aim to block the neurotransmitter responsible for stimulating activity of the sweat glands.  This essentially means the nerve signals are blocked and the activity of the sweat glands slows.  It takes three to four days for the results to become evident.  This is a temporary treatment and will need to be repeated over time. 

Excessive sweating treatments of this type have been used for over 20 years. The treatment itself involves superficial treatment into common problem areas such as the underarms, palms of hands and feet.

This treatment won’t stop sweating completely, so your body can still work to cool itself, but will provide a real reduction with the discomfort and embarrassment associated with excessive sweating that is often experienced.


Leave feeling rejuvenated.

“Our Promise”

We treat everyone as an individual – Please book a one-on-one consultation with one of our medical team so we can discuss with you your needs and if our treatments are appropriate for you.