Pre and Post Care Instructions
Mobile Service Visits
Visiting Dripclub as a Model for Services
Colon Hyrdotherapy
Hydrate – being adequately hydrated will allow for a more efficient treatment. Aiming for 2-3 litres per day every day is vital for health but if you know you often don’t drink enough, please make sure prior to treatment (the 24 hours before) you increase your intake as much as comfortably possible.
Try to avoid fizzy drinks for at least 1 day prior to your treatment. Reducing gas in the bowel will assist in making the treatment more comfortable.
Try to avoid gas & mucous forming foods for at least 1-2 days prior to your treatment – these may include – wheat products (pasta, bread, biscuits etc.), sugar, protein powders (especially non-plant-based protein), meat, dairy, alcohol, coffee, and processed foods… not all of these may necessarily be an issue for you but reducing consumption will help minimise gas assisting with an easier colonic.
Feel free to eat a small, light meal before your treatment. Having a full stomach can increase discomfort & sometimes nausea during the treatment.
Fresh vegetable or fruit juices can be helpful in both increasing hydration and by also giving a boost of antioxidants & phytonutrients, which will support your body during the treatment.
Ensure you allow enough time for the consult and treatment, as it could take up to 1.5 hours.
Consider investing in some quality antioxidant and probiotic supplements afterwards to help minimise any potential detoxification and support your gut health. This will enable you to go home to relax instead of out to the shops to stock up.
Wear something comfy and loose that doesn’t restrict you during the treatment.
Don’t worry if you don’t have time to do all the suggested prep as your hydro therapist will be able to tailor the treatment to support your needs on the day.
Laser Hair Removal
Avoid using topical creams/moisturisers, perfumes to the area being treated the day of the appointment
Ensure no residue fake tan is present on the skin
Shave treatment area at least 12-24 hours prior to your treatment
Exfoliate the treatment area at least 3 days before your treatment
Avoid excessive sun exposure on the area being treated 2 weeks prior (including solariums or tanning products)
Avoid chemical peels or laser resurfacing treatments at least 4 weeks before your treatment
Do not wax, use depilatory creams or pluck hairs 4 weeks prior to laser treatment
Chin Fat area treatments
Avoid the consumption of alcohol for 24 hours
Ice packs may be applied to reduce swelling and bruising (typically 3-10 days)
Avoid anything that may introduce bacteria to the treatment area for the next 24-48 hours
Avoid massaging or putting excessive pressure on the treatment area for 72 hours
No swimming, spas or saunas for 72hrs
Use sun protection at all times. We recommend an all-day mineral sun protection available for purchase at the clinic.
Skin needling
Sanitise your mobile phone after treatment before using
Change your pillowcase before sleeping after the procedure
Avoid strenuous exercise, hot showers, pools spas and saunas for 48 hours post treatment
Commence the use of HA and Vitamin B immediately post treatment
Only prescribed makeup should be applied for the first 48 hours
Commence the use of Vitamin C for 3 days post treatment
Commence the use of Vitamin A for 7 days post treatment
No use of Exfoliation (including AHAs and BHAs) products for 7 days post treatment
Use sun protection at all times. We recommend an all-day mineral sun protection available for purchase at the clinic.
No waxing to the area for 2 weeks post treatment
No Anti-wrinkle treatments to the area for 48 hours post treatment
No Dermal Fillers to the area for 48 hours post treatment
No Microdermabrasion or Infusion to the area for 2 weeks post
No Dermal Peels to the area for 2 weeks post (Scar treatments excluded)
No additional Skin Needling to the area for 2-6 weeks post treatment
No LHR, LPR or LRR to the area for 2 weeks post treatment
Avoid direct area if LVR has been performed for 6 weeks post
Epidermal Blading
Avoid UV exposure for 5 to 10 days following procedure and apply sun protection
Avoid any form of heat treatment on the skin following procedure for 10- 14 days, this includes steam room use and sauna
Avoid strenuous exercise to avoid perspiration for 48-72 hours post treatment
Additional facial treatments are not recommended for a minimum of 14 days following procedure
Makeup is best to be avoided for 24hrs after treatment
Waxing, threading, laser hair removal and any light-based treatment should be avoided for a period of 7- 14 days
The use of exfoliating products is not recommended for 3-5 days following treatment, avoid glycolic acid and the use of AHAs and BHAs
If scabs develop on the skin, avoid picking and allow the skin to heal to avoid scarring and the risk of cross infection
It is important to ensure the hands are clean when touching the skin following treatment to avoid skin reaction
Ensure clean pillowcase and linen following treatment to avoid cross infection
Sanitise your mobile phone before use post treatment
Use gentle skin care products on the skin following treatment and keep skin care routine simple
Facial Peels
Keep skin care routine simple following a peel. Wash your face with cool water to soothe the skin
It is important to use the recommended post care product/s for a minimum of 5 days after a peel. This is to ensure healing and protection from infection
Moisturise and hydrate the skin as peels can temporarily compromise your skin’s protective barrier
Use sunscreen at all times. We recommend an all-day mineral sunscreen available for purchase at the clinic. Must be 50+
Drink more water to help avoid dehydration, which can make your skin feel tight
Avoid strenuous workouts, dry saunas and steam rooms for 48 hours post treatment. Increased blood circulation to the face can intensify warming, tingling, itching, redness or other uncomfortable side effects on freshly peeled skin
Don’t over-exfoliate. Peels are maximum-strength defoliants, so you don’t need to use a separate exfoliate within 7 days of your peel – this includes chemical defoliant's and spot treatment products that contain AHAs and BHAs. Over-exfoliating can lead to additional redness or sensitivity
Ensure a clean pillowcase following treatment to avoid cross infection
Sanitise your mobile phone after treatment before use
Avoid bacterial exposure and keep the treatment area clean
Laser Hair Removal
24 -48 hours post treatment, please avoid excessive sweating, hot showers, shaving, waxing, and plucking the treatment area
5 days post treatment, we recommend applying "Post Laser Gel" morning and evening or as many times as your skin feels sensitive
This will help minimise the heat sensation felt on the skin and reinfuse all the vitamins and natural oils the skin requires after the treatmentAfter 5 days, we recommend you to exfoliate the treatment area 2 to 3 times weekly
This will ensure the hair falls out evenly after the treatmentYou will need to ensure all treatment areas are not exposed to direct sunlight for 14 days and apply sun protection liberally every day. We recommend an all-day mineral sun protection available for purchase at the clinic
Microdermabrasion and Hydro dermabrasion
Keep skin dry for 24 hours after treatment
Water or products should not be applied to the skin until the day after treatment
For 24 hours after treatment, your skin can feel slightly tight and look pink - some dryness and very slight peeling can occur post-treatment
Direct sun exposure and tanning bed use is strictly prohibited for 2 weeks post treatment
Use sun protection at all times. We recommend an all-day mineral sun protection available for purchase at the clinic
Use of saunas and any heat treatments are not recommended for a period of at least 2 weeks post treatment
It is advised to use Mineral makeup, however it is best to avoid makeup for 24hrs after treatment
Avoid exfoliation products, glycolic acid and AHA based products for 3- 5 days either side of treatment
Waxing, threading, laser hair removal and any light-based treatment should be avoided for a period of 7- 14 days
Plasma/Fibroblast Treatment
Allow 2-4 days post treatment for swelling and redness to subside
Practice good hygiene around the treated area
Avoid the consumption of alcohol for 24 hours post treatment
Burning, swelling, redness and tingling are normal following the procedure. Icing the area post treatment may help reduce swelling
Where possible sleep on two pillows for the first 24-48 hours post treatment to decrease swelling (if treatment was to the facial area)
Use sun protection at all times. We recommend an all-day mineral sun protection available for purchase at the clinic
Avoid sunbathing, sun burn and solariums for 3 months post treatment
No Radio Frequency (RF) to the area for 3 months post treatment
Hydrate well after treatment as this may assist in producing a better result
Avoid vigorously rubbing the skin after treatment for 48 hours
Gently wash your face or body area treated and continue with your usual simple skincare routine
Avoid laser and any light-based treatments, chemical peels, waxing, the use of depilatories, or microdermabrasion for 3-4 weeks after treatment
It is usual to expect some tenderness, swelling, warmth, and redness on the treated areas for a few days to a week after treatment
Radio Frequency (RF)
Hydrate well after treatment as this may produce a better result
Avoid vigorously rubbing the skin after treatment
Gently wash your face or body area treated and continue with your usual simple skincare routine
Use sun protection at all times. We recommend an all-day mineral sun protection available for purchase at the clinic
Avoid laser and any light-based treatments, chemical peels, waxing, the use of depilatories, or microdermabrasion for 3-4 weeks after treatment
It is usual to expect some possible tenderness, swelling, warmth, and redness on the treated areas for a few days to a week after treatment
Where possible sleep on two pillows for the first 24-48 hours post treatment to decrease swelling (if treatment was to the facial area)
Tattoo Removal
For the next 24 hours: A cold compress and elevation are recommended to help reduce discomfort and inflammation
Avoid for the next 24 hours: Physical activity, hot showers and saunas
Apply post treatment product such as Synergie Recovery Balm as for three days post treatment
A light dressing to the area is recommended. Change dressings daily for as long as required (usually up to 5 days)
Keep area clean and dry (avoid water) while it heals. If required, clean the area gently with antibacterial soap and pat the area dry
Keep the treated area clean and dry while it is healing. Clean the area with antibacterial soap if needed and then pat the area dry
Some scabbing, blistering, light bleeding and itching may occur
Immediately after treatment, there may be erythema (redness) and edema (swelling) at the treatment site. This usually lasts 2 hours or longer. The erythema may last up to 10 days
DO NOT pop blisters. If you do blister, continue to apply one of the recommended ointments until the blister has popped naturally
DO NOT pick at the scab or allow the skin to become scraped, as this may result in infection and scarring
Shaving should be avoided in the treated area until it is completely healed
You may notice that blistering may occur in some treatments and not others
Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen which increase the risk of bruising and/or bleeding
Avoid shaving the treated area until completely healed (5-10 days)
Apply sunscreen everyday to the treated area after the tattoo has completely healed (5-10 days), even under clothing
Avoid active tan, self-tanner, bronzers or spray tan 4-6 weeks before and after treatment
Massage the treated area 5-10 minutes daily after treated area has healed (5-10 days)
Not all tattoos will be removed 100%, some may just fade
Immediately call your primary care physician if an infection occurs
Thread lifting
Keep the head elevated for 24hrs post treatment to reduce swelling (if treatment area was the head)
Ice packs may be applied to reduce swelling and bruising
Sanitise your mobile phone after treatment before using
Change your pillowcase before sleeping after the procedure
Avoid bacterial exposure and keep the treatment area clean
Do not apply cosmetics for at least 24 hours
No exercise at all for 48 hours
No swimming, spas or saunas for 7 days
Soft foods only for 7 days
Do not eat ‘chewy’ foods such as steaks for two weeks post treatment
It is recommended that post treatment facial movement is restricted by taping the face or wearing a face support garment for two full weeks. This is especially important when doing any activity that involves jarring, leaning forward or bouncing (running, fitness classes, gardening etc)
As much as you can try to sleep on your back for 7 days post treatment
Avoid excessive extension of your jaw (opening your mouth widely) for three weeks
Avoid massage to the treatment area for three weeks
You may experience redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bruising itching and/or discolouration at the treatment site. This is normal
Use sun protection at all times. We recommend an all-day mineral sun protection available for purchase at the clinic
If you have any concerns regarding your treatment, please contact the clinic immediately
Apply recommended post-treatment products to reduce risk of infection and promotion of healing
If you have marked pain, swelling, redness and heat at or around the treatment area please contact the clinic immediately, or contact the after hours medical assistance number on 0493 569 658. If the matter is urgent, please call 000 and seek immediate medical assistance.
Mobile Service Visits
Booking and payment
All bookings require a call out fee. If you have more than one person at your home requiring an infusion only one call out fee will be charged
An Initial Consultation and Prescription by our Medical Prescriber will be required and a consultation fee is payable. This prescription is valid for 1 year (or your State or Territory regulation timeframe)
Infusions must be paid in full prior to our visit at your scheduled appointment. You can find a detailed infusion and booster menu on our website www.thedripclub.com.au or alternatively phone and speak to one of our Staff for guidance
Any additional products and services received during your treatment will need to be paid for before the nurse leaves. All payments must be processed digitally via our online system
Except where a medical consultation has taken place, all charges will be refunded if we can no longer provide service. If the medical consultation has taken place prior to our visit then the consultation fee will be retained
What to expect
Our Nurses will give you a courtesy call once we have arrived at your home to check you are ready for us to come in
If you require an initial or new prescription, this will be provided after consultation with the Nurse by one of our Medical Prescribers using a telehealth Video service
Infusions discussed may be prepared onsite in our clinic on the day of our visit or alternatively in your home. We can cater for any additions you might like to add after your consultation
We may use single use disposable protective coverings on and around the treatment area for your safety and our
Our Nurses will ensure we have access and then commence the service
We will be inside your home for approximately 1-2 hours during your visit
Preparations required by Guests prior to Dripclub Nurses arriving to provide service
Choose a suitable chair in your home – preferably one with armrests. If you do not have one, the use of a wall with pillows/ cushions may be used.
Clear the chair and surroundings of all objects. There should be nothing on or around the chair to give our medical staff a clear 1.5 metres of workspace around your chair
Please sanitize the chair with a sanitising spray (Glen 20 etc) if possible
Please clear and clean an appropriate area on your table or bench where the Nurse can set up equipment.
Please ensure that all pets and children are away from the treatment area to maintain a sterile area for our Nurses to prepare the service.
If at any time our staff feel in danger or the area has not been prepared suitably prior to arrival our Dripclub Nurses will leave immediately and no refund will be given.
Training Treatment Model visits with Dripclub
Booking and payment
You will be informed at the time of booking that you are going to be a model for a staff member going through a new treatment training session, learning a new skill
The staff member performing the treatment will hold all of the underlying qualifications required to perform the treatment - eg AHPRA Registration for Medical Aesthetic Consultations
The treatment will be fully supervised by an Experienced, trained and qualified professional.
A deposit may be required to secure your appointment
You will be assessed for the treatment booked at the time of completing the detailed consultation and advised if there are any contraindications to the booked treatment or if you are suitable to receive treatment
You will be informed of the discounted costs associated with the training treatment you are booked in for
Any additional products and services received during your treatment will need to be paid for, and will be discussed with you prior to proceeding
Any treatment that requires a medical consultation and prescription will be advised and this is an additional cost, not to be discounted
You will be asked to sign a Training Treatment Authorisation form prior to commencing any treatment
What to expect
You may have 2 of more staff members as part of your training treatment
The instructing staff member will be talking throughout the duration of your treatment, providing instructions to the staff members being educated
There will be a lot of discussion about different ways to provide treatment, methods, techniques and products
If you are unsure about anything happening during your treatment, please ask the staff to stop and seek further clarification
As you are receiving a discounted service, and you have agreed to attend and receive a training treatment, there are no further discounts on the service. There are no refunds for change of mind or being unhappy with the outcomes
Dripclub reserves the right to use image of your pre and post treatment for in-clinic use, as well as external web platforms
If further treatment is required including dissolving, this will be at an additional cost