Look Good. Body Treatments

Laser Tattoo Removal

Say goodbye to those unwanted tattoos you’ve been wearing for too long. Dripclub provides laser tattoo removal in a simple outpatient procedure that fits easily into a busy lifestyle. We can remove a wide range of tattoos from all over the body, usually within 3 to 10 treatments, keeping the deeper layers of skin unaffected by the short procedure.

Only available at Unley



Fast and easy

Remove unwanted tattoos within a handful of sessions. Our trained staff apply laser technology as you relax on one of our massage tables to keep you as comfortable as possible for your session.

Minimal side effects

The side effects of laser tattoo removal are most often minimal. Guests can expect to experience some temporary side effects such as tenderness, redness, swelling, minor blistering, scabs, bruising hyper / hypopigmentation. These should all subside within a week of treatment if the proper care is given, as our staff will outline on your visit.

No scarring

Our processes don’t leave any scars. The most common scenario if scarring is visible after a treatment is that the scars were either there prior to the tattoo or came from the initial tattoo procedure.

How it works

Laser tattoo removal works by focusing laser energy to break up the pigment and colour in your tattoo and works effectively with all kinds of tattoos. Come in for a consultation with our friendly, expert staff so that we can best understand your tattoo removal needs.

Once we create a treatment program, each session will involve staff applying advanced laser technology to your unwanted tattoo to effectively wipe it away.

Over the course of the treatments, you’ll see the tattoo begin to fade and finally disappear. Redness and swelling are kept to a minimum, although some minor local irritation and side effects may occur.


Treatment areas

We remove tattoos from any part of the body, with treatment times varying depending on size, location, ink colours, amount of ink used and any tattoo layering present.

Leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and completely relaxed.

Your Skin Therapist will design a personalised Body Treatment to target any skin concerns or challenges.