Look Good. Facial Treatments

Ultra V Facial Thread Lift

The Ultra V Facial Thread Lift is the latest and revolutionary non-surgical procedure that instantly tightens and lifts the skin, as well as V-shaping the face. Ultra V Lift can be applied to anywhere on the body, including the face, eye corners, cheeks, double chin, neck, forehead, laugh lines, forearm and abdomen. It can be used to heighten the nose bridge, giving it a natural elevated look.

Only available at Unley & Norwood



Sharper silhouette

The ultra-thin filaments that are inserted under the skin lift the face into a sharper V-shaped silhouette, reducing downturned lips and sagging cheeks. Experience a more defined jawline, cheeks and silhouette.

Increase of collagen synthesis

Collagen is naturally occurring in the skin, but production of collagen naturally decreases as we age. Collagen lifting threads increase collagen production to repair the skin, enhancing your skin’s look and feel.

Rejuvenated skin

When the ultra-thin filaments are placed under the skin, the synthetic absorbable material triggers new collagen and fibroblasts to be produced. These collagens and fibroblasts are the skin’s natural rejuvenators, making your skin look younger and firmer.

How it works

The Ultra V Facial Thread Lift is a revolutionary non-surgical procedure that instantly tightens and lifts the skin, as well as V-shaping the face. A thread lift is effectively a subset of face lift that uses thinner and less invasive threads rather than surgery.

Ultra-fine collagen-stimulating threads are gently placed under the skin, repositioning extra skin tissue and encouraging new collagen growth, producing a tightening effect from the inside out and creating the ‘V-shaped face’. The secret behind our facial thread lifting lies in the expert placement of ultra-thin polydioxanone (PDO) threads; synthetic, absorbable monofilament thread, which is commonly used in cardiovascular surgery and fine ligatures.

The threads will continuously stimulate collagen synthesis under skin. Threads are absorbable, and therefore will be reabsorbed in 4-12 months’ time leaving nothing behind but the skin structure created which continues to hold for another 15-24 months.

When inserted into the treatment areas, loose skin is tightened and skin tissues are triggered to produce new fibroblasts and collagen, leading to the creation of a more sculpted V shape face.

The procedure is quick, taking just 30-60 minutes per treatment area.


Ultra V Facial Thread Lift can:

  • Increase of collagen synthesis

  • Tightening and rejuvenating of skin

  • Improvement of skin tone and structure

  • Sharper feature and V-shape silhouette

Treatment areas

Facial thread lifting can be applied anywhere on the body, including the face, eye corners, cheeks, double chin, neck, forehead, laugh lines, forearm and abdomen. It can be used to heighten the nose bridge, giving it a natural elevated look. There are many different types of thread lifting threads, however they can be grouped according to their intended purpose.


Mechanical Uplifting Threads

These are your ‘barbed’ threads which physically move and pull the skin tissue into a new position. This is mostly appropriate for people 40 years old and older.


Collagen Lifting Threads

These are designed to tighten the skin and provide the lift through collagen stimulation and skin tightening. Most appropriate for those 25 years old and upwards.



How is Thread Lift different to a traditional Face Lift?

Traditional face lifting methods are more invasive and involve a longer recovery period compared to the much less invasive thread lift methods. Our facial thread lifting has a short procedure time. Often known as the “lunch-time” treatment, this technique has gained popularity in many countries, as it corrects the position of the descended fat pads in the lower face which cause “jowls”.

Leave feeling rejuvenated.

“Our Promise”

We treat everyone as an individual – Please book a one-on-one consultation with one of our medical team so we can discuss with you your needs and if our treatments are appropriate for you.