Feel Better. Wellness + Detox

Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas are great for detoxification, skin health, mental health, immunity, endocrine health, exercise recovery, longevity, cardiovascular fitness and lymphatic circulation.



Reduce stress

IR Saunas are an incredible stress reduction tool, with regular use helping to modulate stress hormone (e.g., cortisol) production. Many users, as a result, also report markedly improved sleep.

Sweat passively

Infrared sauna stimulates a passive (rather than an active) sweat. To sweat passively is to sweat whilst in a ‘rest and digest’ state. In this state, our body can mobilise and excrete toxins more readily.

Weight loss

Regular saunas are also an excellent weight loss tool and an aid for cardiovascular health as well as positively impacting our blood glucose and insulin concentrations.

How it works

Our Infrared saunas are great for detoxification, skin health, mental health, immunity, endocrine health, exercise recovery, longevity, cardiovascular fitness, and lymphatic circulation. Dripclub has judiciously selected the Sunlighten m-Pulse IR Sauna (Norwood) and Sauna King Sauna (Mawson Lakes), as they provide users with the full spectrum (near, mid, and far wavelengths) of infrared light. The full spectrum of wavelengths allows for an equal spectrum of health and wellness benefits as each wavelength confers its own unique benefits. Much of the IR Sauna health benefits originate from the (principal) far infrared wavelength… but what about near and mid?

Near infrared light, most notably, has anti-inflammatory, skin rejuvenating properties (the heat opens up the pores and the NIR also interacts directly with the epithelial, or skin, cells).

Mid infrared light particularly targets the soft tissue (muscles and joints) and is useful in dealing with exercise or injury recovery.

Contrasting to the conventional saunas, which work by heating up the air around us, the benefits of IR saunas are derived from infrared spectrum light, which heats your body internally, producing a ‘deeper’ sweat.

Glenelg South and Norwood have the Sunlighten m-Pulse Infrared Sauna.

Mawson Lakes has the Sauna King.


Norwood - Sunlighten m-Pulse Infrared Sauna

Mawson Lakes - Sauna King

Leave feeling refreshed, detoxed and stress-free!

Book a session for our Infrared Sauna treatment.